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Brigitte Biehl - The AGM as Performance between Theatre and Management Analysis of the Staging of Annual General Meetings of Stock Market Companies

This paper is an abstract of the M.A. dissertation, submitted on 15 Aug 2003, Dep. of Theatre, Film and Media-Studies, Goethe-University Frankfurt/ Germany -
A short version of this interesting dissertation and a conference text with the same title (member's area) can be found at www.cof.cg - press.

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Can European Companies Escape U.S. Listings?

European companies would like to deregister from the SEC system in light of Sarbanes Oxley. However, this takes at least 18 months for a foreign company listed on a US market, and is virtually impossible for a foreign company that has made a public offering in the US. Therefore, the SEC should adopt a geographic going private rule allowing a foreign issuer to opt out of the SEC system if the foreign issuer makes an offer to buy all shares of its US holders at a fair price as determined by an independent appraiser.

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Corporate Governance - How does power work? VIP - comment regarding "good management" in corporations, may 2001

Original article in German, unfortunately no English translation avaible! Corporate Governance - inzwischen wissen die meisten, wie der Begriff ausgesprochen wird, aber was bedeutet er? Es geht um Unternehmen und die Art, wie sie geführt werden. Genauer: um die "gute Haushaltsführung" einer Aktiengesellschaft, die ja aus vielen Bestandteilen mit unterschiedlichen Interessen besteht.

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Democracy instead of muzzle Open letter from Hans-Martin Buhlmann to the members of the German CG - Commission, july 2001

Fünf Fragen sind nicht genug Die von Herrn Baum geforderte erhöhte Effizienz von Hauptversammlungen ist ein wichtiges Anliegen. Ich stimme ihm zu, dass dies durch eine Begrenzung der Redezeit auf ein sinnvolles Maß zu erreichen wäre. Allerdings stehen einer rein numerischen Eingrenzung zwei Tatbestände entgegen:

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Voting German Shares by Finanzplatz e.V.Frankfurt/Main, October 1999

International institutional investors generally consider foreign share voting procedures as cumbersome and complicated. Few investors are aware that share voting procedures in Germany are flexible and efficient.

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